Mr. and Mrs. Emmons

The adventures of Myk and Julie in our new life as Mr. and Mrs.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


So... I was in the emergency room the other night. It turns out that I have a "cyst on my tailbone". That is a pleasant way of saying that I have an open wound in my butt crack and will have to have surgery. awesome, eh? I apologize for the bluntness, but there's just no way around it. I am going to have butt surgery. butt surgery.

They put me on some Vicodin for the pain, and that was real fun until I threw up the Taco Bell I had ate earlier. Man! The grossness just keeps on comin'!

Julie is also sick with some flu symptoms. She's been coughing non-stop pretty much. Aren't we just a healthy couple? We may be unhealthy, but we still have our happiness.

I started working overnights for the holiday season at Target last Sunday. It's been pretty decent so far. I get such amazing perks as wearing jeans to work and listening to my iPod all through the night!

I have been listening to Denison Witmer pretty much non-stop. I definitely recommend his music to anyone and everyone. You can read about and listen to him for free at - but his album "Are you a Dreamer?" is by far my favorite. He has a new one coming out in a few days...

I guess that is all I have to say for now. I miss you all and wish you well. God bless!




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