Mr. and Mrs. Emmons

The adventures of Myk and Julie in our new life as Mr. and Mrs.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


So I have decided to add yet another thing of technology to take up my time. =) However, I think this one isn't so bad because I can actually let people know what is going on in our lives. I guess now we will just see who actually reads it. So here is what's going on...

Myk is doing well. When we first moved back to Ohio in July I was under the weather, so Myk applied for jobs all over the area and got his first response from Target about 10 minutes away. He has been working there for a few months now, and is fairly happy with it. It is not his dream job, but he has made some good friendships there and had been able to witness to his coworkers quite a bit, so I think it is serving a great purpose for now. However, he is starting to really want a job that will help in down a career path, but he is not sure where that path will lead. He is being mentored by a pastor and good friend of ours at my home church about a half an hour away, which I think will help him decides if that is what he wants to do. He is on youth staff at church, and the kids love him. There is just something about him they admire and respect, because you would be amazed at how they look up to him. We are just trying to pray for God's direction, but we both agree that this time is some much needed time off for him, as he just graduated in July. He is really missing his family, but since we are now six hours closer, we are planning some trips there sometime soon. So that's pretty much what he has been up to.

I have been good as well. I had surgery right when we moved back, so I was out of commission most of August. Luckily, a friend who is the assistant director of a counseling center a little north of us needed a part time receptionist, so I was able to get my foot in the door there. Not to long after I started, I got a call to interview at an inpatient behavioral health facility three miles away, and got the job. I cannot begin to explain how wonderful the job is. Don't get me wrong, it is very tough, but so worth it. I work with children and adolescents, and already feel that in the month I have been there I have been able to show God's unconditional love to these kids. I pray for his strength and patience every day (because he knows they love to test me!!) and I have not been disappointed at his wisdom. It is also an amazing career opportunity because I am making relationships with psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, social workers, people all over the map of mental health. Plus, the health network we are a part of is extremely successful with amazing benefits and is a faith-based organization as well, so it is amazing to be a part of.

Myk and Julie
We have been married now for about 15 months, and we are great. (No babies anytime soon by the way!) We moved to Ohio in July, and although we miss our friends in Tennessee, absolutely love it here. We have had to adjust to a few things about married life, but it is great. It has been rough with me working full time and him being in a school all last year, plus I have had 2 surgeries since we have been married, so we have already gone through so many tests. I feel so blessed everyday to have a husband who loves and respects me the way he does. I am not the prefect little housewife, but he makes me feel like I am the best to ever live...which is a great feeling. =)

That is what we are up to right now, and we will see where God takes us. I am pretty excited to find out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The adventures of Myk and Julie in our new life as Mr. and Mrs."...

kind of sounds like the description for a reality television show. but we would have to be celebrities or something for them to make a reality show about us =)

November 3, 2008 at 6:47 PM  
Blogger Kevin Stover said...

I'd watch a show like that!

November 3, 2008 at 7:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First let me say what a terrible friend I am. I am so bad at long distant relationships. I miss you guys a lot. I am glad you guys have decided to join the blogging world. I will let people know about it and definitely be following it myself.

November 4, 2008 at 10:09 AM  

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